The Achilles Slot is waiting for you at Slotastic Online Casino! Achilles and his Greek army need your help as they set out on a thrilling adventure to defend the honor of their treasured Helen in this adventurous online slot from Realtime Gaming. Step into Achilles' gladiator sandals and take on the role of this brave warrior as you battle your way through 5-reels of bloodshed and combat, protecting the famous but vulnerable Achilles heel. Do you have what it takes to protect this Trojan hero?

Play Achilles Slot at Slotastic!

Initially released in 2006 and set live on the mobile casino in 2015, the Achilles Slot was one of the first-ever slots added to Slotastic's repertoire of games, and it's easy to see why. Boasting 20 pay lines on 5-reels, Achilles has kept slot fans entertained ever since its release, providing some of the highest payouts in the online gambling world and proving a fan-favorite among Slotastic players.


Get your smartphone ready, plug your headphones in and prepare for battle - Achilles is available on the Slotastic mobile casino. Whether you're traveling, out and about, or just have your smartphone to hand, as long as you have an internet connection, you can now enjoy Slotastic's most popular and highest paying slot at the touch of your fingertips. 

Tap and spin on your preferred mobile or tablet device - advanced graphics and sound effects featured in this action-packed online slot will immerse you right in the center of this great war.

If you enjoyed playing Achilles, you'd enjoy playing Asgard and Caesar's Empire at Slotastic!


Achilles provides not one but two exciting features, including the Achilles Feature and the Troy Feature. Reveal three or more Achilles icons anywhere on the reels, and you'll win either 15, 20, or 25 free games, unlocking triple prizes. If three or more Troy symbols appear you'll win ten free games, giving you the chance to double your prizes.

At any time while playing Achilles, there is also the chance to win the progressive jackpot!